Colorado State University

There is no deadline to apply for Fall 2024 housing, but those who wish to fully participate in roommate matching and room selection are encouraged to apply before July. Roommate selection begins prior to room selection. The dates below can serve as helpful guidelines for applicants. Applicants will be notified of upcoming participation opportunities and deadlines via email.

DateProcess (Fall 2024)
1/23New Student Housing Application Opens
2/5Returning Student Housing Application Opens
3/8Returning Student Housing Application Closes
4/1New Student Roommate Selection Opens
6/17-6/28RLC Room Selection Priority Week
7/8-7/19General (Non RLC) Room Selection Available
7/5Roommate Selection Closes
Week of 8/12Move In

Roommate Options

Finding a Roommate on Your Own

Through the CSU Housing Portal create, browse, message, and select a roommate(s) based on interactive profiles. You will also be able to make connections with students who may be your classmates, neighbors, co-workers, and fellow Rams.

Have a Roommate Assigned to You

University Housing will assign you a roommate based on the profile questionnaire you fill out on your housing application.

Room Assignments

2024-2025 Room Selection is now closed. Incoming first-year residents without a room assignment will be assigned a space based on availability and preferences listed on their housing application. Some students will be temporarily assigned to overflow housing within campus housing and will receive a permanent assignment as spaces become available. Beginning in early July, students will receive a date and time that they will gain access to Room Selection, which opens on July 8. You may participate in room selection as an individual – matching with a roommate is not required. If you are in a roommate group, the designated ‘group leader’ is responsible for selecting their group’s spaces during room selection. New rooms throughout the residence halls will be made available as room selection progresses. We encourage everyone to have a few options in mind as some spaces will fill more quickly than others.

Housing Deposit And Refund

Request For Exemption From University Living Regulation

Cancelling an Application

To cancel your application, log back in to the housing portal and follow the instructions. If needed, you may also send a written request via email to or call our office at (970) 491-4719

$300 Deposit Refunded:

Cancellations received on or before June 1 for incoming fall semester housing applications

Returning students who participated in the Live On campaign who cancel on or before June 1

Cancellations received on or before December 31 for incoming spring semester housing applications

No Refund Given For:

Cancellations received after June 1 for incoming fall semester (December 31 for incoming spring semester)

Returning students who participated in the Live On campaign who cancel after June 1

Applicants who have not checked in by noon the day classes begin for the semester