Obtaining and Documenting Informed Consent

Consent for participation in research requires an informed consent process. This process involves an information exchange and on-going communication that takes place between the investigator (researcher) and the potential research participant (subject).

The consent process starts with the initial presentation of a research activity to a prospective subject (including advertisements and notices), continues with a discussion and information exchange between the researcher and the prospective subject, and requires documenting that consent was obtained. The process may also be ongoing through the research activity until the participant decides to end his or her participation or until the study closes.

An effective informed consent process involves these elements:

Key Considerations

Several key considerations for obtaining informed consent are described below:

Informed consent from the subject and/or his legally authorized representative must be obtained prior to initiating any research activities, including screening procedures unless the IRB grants a waiver to do otherwise.

While the initial verbal explanation and dialogue with the subject are critical so that subjects know what they are agreeing to before they consent , ideally the consent process should be an ongoing conversation throughout the course of the study. Throughout the study, make yourself available to answer questions and encourage subjects to ask questions or voice concerns, tell subjects about changes in the study procedures or risks or alternatives, and allow subjects to withdraw from the study for any reason at any time.

With prior IRB approval, other methods of communicating information about a study may be used to supplement the consent process, or in rarer cases, substitute for a consent document. These approaches include the use of audio-visual materials, brochures, drawings and information posted on a specific website.

Principal investigators are responsible for assuring that all investigators obtaining consent are qualified and appropriately trained to explain the research and assess participant comprehension as described below. Any person who may obtain consent in a study should be listed in the IRB application as key personnel, though the person need not be listed as an investigator in the consent document itself.

Obtaining Written or Verbal Informed Consent

Obtaining consent involves explaining the research and assessing participant comprehension using a consent document, usually a written consent form or information sheet, as a guide for the verbal explanation of the study. Informed consent from the participant and/or his or her legally-authorized representative (surrogate) must be obtained prior to initiating any research activities, including screening procedures.

If you are obtaining informed consent from a community that doesn’t have a written language (e.g., Mam): Oral presentation of the informed consent form and Bill of Rights in their native language via interpreter, and follow the instructions for Illiterate Subjects.

Step One: Explaining the Research

Explain the study to the potential subject verbally, providing all pertinent information (purpose, procedures, risks, benefits, alternatives to participation), and allow the potential participant ample opportunity to ask questions or voice concerns. Do not read the consent document verbatim but, rather, paraphrase the information checking for comprehension and allowing for questions throughout the process. For some studies, it would be appropriate to include family members or close friends in the process.

After a verbal explanation, provide the potential subject the written consent form or information sheet (as required by the IRB), and afford sufficient time to absorb and appreciate the information to consider whether or not to participate in the research.

The time needed will vary depending on the complexity and/or nature of the research. Potential subjects, particularly those in higher risk studies, may need a waiting period and should be encouraged to discuss their possible participating with family members, close friends or trusted advisers.

After allowing the potential participant time to read the consent form/information sheet, meet with the potential participant and address any additional questions or concerns he or she might have.

  1. Special considerations for surrogate consent and consent involving other vulnerable populations including children and prisoners are discussed elsewhere on this website.
  2. If subjects cannot read the consent form, review this guidance.
  3. If subjects are non-English speakers, review this guidance.
  4. See also Verbal, Electronic or Implied Consent for additional approaches.

Step 2: Assessing Subject Comprehension

The responsibility of ensuring that a potential subject understands the research and the risks and benefits involved falls primarily upon the investigator, not the potential subject.

Answer questions, but also ask questions to further the discussion and elicit questions from the potential participant. This will prompt the potential subject to think more carefully about the study.

Open-ended questions are those that begin with “who," “what,” “when,” “where,” “why,” “how often,” or “please describe….”

Examples of open-ended questions:

Avoid or limit close-ended questions that ask for “yes” or “no” answers. Examples of closed-ended questions:

Based upon the above, assess whether the potential participant adequately understands the study.

Consider using this decision-making capacity tool if needed to assess subject comprehension. Other tools and information about this topic may be available in your department and are also available on other UC IRB websites and elsewhere.

Documenting Informed Consent

Consent Discussion (ongoing) ⇒ Give Experimental Subjects Bill of Rights (if applicable) ⇒ Sign Consent Form ⇒ Sign HIPAA Authorization (if applicable) ⇒ Consent Documentation (ongoing)

Documenting informed consent occurs after explaining the research and assessing participant comprehension. At minimum, it involves obtaining the signature of the participant (or the legally-authorized representative or parent(s), when approved) as well as the person obtaining consent. The person obtaining consent indicates he/she has explained the research to the participant, ensured that the participant understand the research and that the subject freely consents to participate.

In most cases, the federal regulations require that informed consent be documented, but they also provide some important exceptions. See Verbal, Electronic or Implied Consent for more information.

Consent Documentation

Ensure subjects sign the currently approved consent form by printing the stamped copy from iRIS (not required, but strongly encouraged).

Give subjects a signed copy and keep the original signed copy in your research file.

Note in the research file when and with whom the consent discussion took place and if there were any issues.

Include a copy of the consent form in the medical record when study may affect subject’s health/treatment, and it would be helpful to share research-related treatment information with UCSF providers who may not be aware of the subject’s study participation. Also document when the consent process took place in the medical record.

Important Note: No changes may be made to the consent form (including crossing out or striking through the consent form text or making any changes in the wording) with out prior approval from the IRB.

Witness signatures are required by federal regulations in very limited circumstances and can be required by the IRB to assure an adequate informed consent process for some research studies.

When required the witness must be impartial, such as an adult who is not a member of the study team and preferably who is not a family member of the participant (unless the person is a health professional or otherwise knowledgeable about research). The witness must sign and date the consent form at the time the consenting process occurs.A signature of the witness means:

Important Note: The California Medical Experiment Act requires attestation that the consent form is signed and dated by a person other than the participant or the participant's guardian or legally-authorized representative who can attest that the requirements for informed consent has been met. At UCSF, the Investigator's signature serves this purpose, unless an impartial witness is required as described above.

What are Legal Signatures (use of preferred names)

“Legally effective informed consent” does not require that the participant provide their legal name. Neither CA nor federal law requires that the signature in research settings reflect the individual’s legal name.

However, the UCSF research team must be able to determine that the individual signing is the individual participating in the research. UCSF would also need documentation connecting the participant to the name used to sign the consent form so that, if needed, the study team can demonstrate that the person consented to the research study.

For clinical trials it is important to ensure that healthcare providers are aware of any interventions participants are receiving that could affect clinical care. Hence, caregivers must be able to ascertain that a patient is a participant in an interventional trial, regardless of what name may have been used to sign the consent form.

According to common law, name change means that one has the freedom to change one’s name and to use whatever name they choose, qualified only by the proviso that the purpose is not dishonest.

Example: A transgender person would like to consent to a study using their preferred name, though their “deadname” is still currently their legal name. When they sign their consent, they can sign with the name they currently use. They do not need to use their dead/legal name.

Additional Forms Required for Clinical Research

California state law (Health & Safety Code, Section 24172) requires that an “experimental subject’s bill of rights” be provided to all participants in a medical experiment. The IRB has interpreted “medical experiments” to include almost studies involving biomedical procedures, placebo controls, innovative therapy and/or normal volunteer subjects in studies involving more than minimal risks.

This list of rights must be written in a language in which the participant is fluent. Several translations are available.

If subjects should receive the Bill of Rights …

Include template language about the Bill of Rights in the “Consent” section of the consent form.

This form does not need to be signed, unless the study is being done under the auspices of the UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center.

You do not need to submit this form to the IRB.

Important Note: The Cancer Center requires that subjects sign the BoR and that a signed copy is given to the subjects and kept in the file.

HIPAA allows researchers/UCSF personnel to access, use, create or disclose the individual's protected health information (PHI) for research purposes. Check your approval letter (initial or continuing review) to see if subjects need to sign a HIPAA authorization form!

If subjects need to sign a HIPAA authorization…

Include HIPAA-specific template language in the “Consent” section of the consent form.

Submit this form to the IRB as an Other Study Document.

Review the information in the HIPAA research authorization form and ask subject to sign the document. Give a signed copy to the subject and keep the original signed form in the research file. A signed copy also should be kept with the consent form in the medical record, if applicable.

When and How to "Reconsent" and Significant New Findings

Obtaining a signature on a consent form does not complete the consent process. Maintaining informed consent requires that you provide subjects with any new information that arises during the course of the study that may have an impact on the details of their participation or their decision about whether or not to continue participation in the study.

Important Note:

  1. Except in the rare emergency situation, it is important to consult with or seek IRB approval before instituting any "reconsenting" procedures or informing current or previous subjects of significant new findings.
  2. See the What, When and How to Report AEs section of the Adverse Event guidance page for more details about how to report significant new findings to the subjects and to the IRB, including how the level of urgency determines how to communicate the info.

Examples of When "Reconsenting" Is Required