Electronic Filing of Court Documents

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Having considered the various resources and technological constraints to hearing matters during the suspension of court operations, the Central South Region will, effective December 2, 2020, take steps to have only electronic versions of filings.

Documents MUST be filed through the appropriate portal set out herein, or the documents, whether attempting to be filed electronically or in-person, will be rejected. Once accepted, a hard copy is no longer required unless specifically requested by a judicial official.

All other protocols set out in the Central South Region Notices to the Profession dated April 7, 2020 and June 26, 2020 remain in place.

The Court will only accept filings by e-mail or in-person for the following reasons:

CRIMINAL- Electronic Court Filings

All filings for Criminal matters and requests for urgent Criminal hearings may be filed/sent to the following email addresses:

CIVIL – Electronic Court Filing

Civil court documents shall be electronically filed and/or issued by using the existing Civil Claims Online portal or the new Civil Submissions Online portal, as appropriate, in accordance with the Rules of Civil Procedure.

The Court will only accept civil filings by e-mail for the following

In the above circumstances, documents may be filed electronically at the following email addresses: