Theft Charges in Colorado

Offering Skilled Defense for Theft Crimes in Colorado Springs

At the Law Offices of Clifton Black, PC, we’re the go-to theft lawyers in Colorado Springs. Dealing with theft charges can be daunting. Our team of skilled theft attorneys offers a strong defense against these allegations. We understand the seriousness of theft charges and have the experience to back it up. Are you seeking a theft lawyer with a solid track record in Colorado Springs? You’re in the right place. We’ll adeptly guide you through Colorado’s complex theft laws.

Types of Theft Crimes and Their Consequences

In Colorado Springs, being accused of theft carries more than just legal consequences; it can significantly tarnish your reputation and trustworthiness in personal and professional circles. The stain of a theft charge can linger, influencing potential employers during background checks and affecting interpersonal relationships.

Colorado’s theft laws are comprehensive, encompassing many offenses beyond the usual acts like stealing money or goods. The definition covers actions like acquiring items deceptively, receiving stolen property, extortion, embezzlement, and misrepresenting eligibility for public benefits. The central premise revolves around the intention of depriving an owner of their property, either permanently or with conditions.

Based on the value of stolen items or services, theft is categorized into varying levels of severity, ranging from petty theft to grand theft:

Furthermore, repeated felony offenses can intensify penalties. Habitual felons, or those convicted multiple times, can face sentences up to three times the maximum sentence.

Additionally, shoplifting, a common form of theft in Colorado, can be categorized based on the item’s value, with escalated penalties for those with prior shoplifting convictions.

Considering the intricate nature of theft laws and the profound personal and professional implications of a theft charge, having a competent Colorado Springs theft attorney becomes crucial. At The Law Offices of Clifton Black, PC, our commitment transcends the courtroom. We offer counsel, steadfast defense, and an understanding of the challenges you face.

Colorado Theft Laws and Defense Strategies